Mensa logo, a Registered Trade Mark

Mensa Links

Mensa is an international society founded in Britain in 1946. The sole criterion for membership is scoring in the top 2% on any of several standardized intelligence or achievement tests.

GlobeInternational Mensa: In addition to a wealth of information about Mensa, this is a very nice Web site.

Florida FlagTallahassee Mensa: Decent site maintained in Florida's capitol.

US FlagAmerican Mensa: Many useful links for Mensans. An optically busy site.

Union JackBritish Mensa: Challenge yourself with their puzzles. The British do not endorse every new fad, like HTML 2.0.

Swiss FlagSwiss Mensa: Nice little site. I belong to their team in the RC5-64 decryption competition.

Light BulbOn-Line IQ Tests: Darryl Miyaguchi's Collection of IQ Tests.

RC5-64distributed net: Become part of the world's largest computer and break codes for charity.

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